Friday, April 9, 2010

new spring fave

I rekindled my love for spinach and strawberries on Easter with this yummy salad. The dressing really ties it all together, so don't skip it! I can't wait until our summer farmer's markets open up so I can get the most fresh, ripe, red, juicy strawberries (or I might just have to sneak into Elaine's garden since she's planting some this year!)

Strawberry Spinach Salad!

fresh diced strawberries
spinach leaves (I like to mix in some spring mix leaves, too)
sliced almonds
finely sliced red onion
optional: feta or goat cheese

for the dressing:
1/2 cup of sugar (I use organic sugar as a natural sweetener with no preservatives)
1 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup white wine vinegar
1/2 cup olive oil
1 tblsp poppy seed

In a blender, pour the sugar, salt, vinegar, oil and blend until smooth. Stir in the poppy seeds. It is SO delicious!

Happy Spring!

Monday, April 5, 2010

no more

No more floor plans, no more dreading the weekend because it means no news, no more stressing over paying the bills, no more rollercoaster ride, no more wondering, no more negotiating, no more waiting:)

Sam is taking an associate position at Chiropractic Arts here in ABQ....his first day is tomorrow!

I will reflect soon on more of the details of how this came to be, but for now, I want to give you all some of the peace and closure we're feeling and say PRAISE GOD! He is good. We might not understand it all right now, but He is good and these months of surrendering the outcome to the Lord while working hard on our end have led is here.

New Mexico is officially our new home:) Now it's time to change our cell phones and get NM plates on our cars.

Thanks for your constant support friends:)

Cheerfully His,