Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Clothes Swap

In an effort to simplify and share the love (of clothes), my lovely lady friends came over for an all out clothes swap. My hope was to take less than what I brought to share...otherwise, I would have been shifting, not simplifying! We chose a few things from the piles and took the rest to the nearest Goodwill. Ahh, sweet relief!
It brought me such joy to bless friends with clothes and accessories that have long sat in my closet. Going though my bins and drawers really opened my eyes to just how much I own... and how little I need. I want to be better at living simply.

So, what's in your closet?


  1. lovely. i look like an idiot.
    :) but dang it, that was a good time.

  2. I remember when I got to go through your clothes before they went to goodwill in the QC' was fun...and I still have a few that I wear a lot! yay! but I feels great to simplify. I did the same when we moved here and unpacking forced me to look at everything I had.

  3. so much fun!...and you have good clothes too! I wish I was there. :) We used to have these clothes swaps with the girls on my dance team when we lived in Cedar Falls. I always loved the excitement of getting new clothes with out having to pay for them while getting rid of the stuff I don't wear anymore.
