my savior is speaking life into me. here are some of the resounding themes born out of a place where desperation and hope meet. me being the desperate one. him being the hope.
what if you forsake your ways
your safety, comforts
in habit and thought?
what if you jump in the water headfirst,
only to be resurrected anew?
what if you go into that dark cacoon
feel trapped, wrecked
only to emerge a beautiful butterfly,
free and fully alive?
let your fear fall to the ground.
give in.
let go.
die to the old.
embrace the new.
His whispers are changing me..
"Oh, you're bringing me to life.
I'm finding who I am in you, who I am in you.
Oh, you're changing me inside,
I'm finding who i am in You." -Addison Road
Libbs, I'm not sure how I missed seeing your post last week! Sorry I'm a week late! Thank you for sharing your heart--it is beautiful, and He is at work. He is so not through with us yet...